May 2024

Happy Birthday, America!

Ok, so technically the party was yesterday, but I’m not always so great at remembering birthdays.

Yesterday was the 4th of July and I celebrated by getting up early, driving with Kristian out to Foxborough and running a 10k. Our neighbors celebrated by setting off fireworks all night and then getting in a screaming match some time around midnight.

These would appear to be incompatible celebrations.

I’m now tired. So very, very tired.


This is before the sleep deprivation and heat hit me completely.

The 10k was fun. Stupid hot, but fun. Ok, so it was mostly stupid hot. But I’m stupid, so I had fun. The course was advertised as being extremely flat, which it was. What they failed to mention was the distinct lack of shade along the way. Or that they were going to run out of water at the aid station at mile 4.4. Although, presumably, the lack of water was not supposed to be part of the plan.

I put on a valiant effort, but I was stopping for walk breaks by mile two. Which is about when I gave up on the idea of setting a personal record (PR) and started fixating on the idea of finishing. I felt bad about all the walking I did, right about until I finished and saw a guy getting wheeled off on a stretcher, all wrapped up in aluminum foil.

Which is about when I realized that any race that doesn’t involve me ripping/breaking a critical body part and/or passing out and being rushed to the hospital is a pretty successful race.

Hope Roth: Setting the bar low since 1981.

There wasn’t a ton of crowd support, but the people who were out cheering all seemed to have stationed themselves right when I most needed that little boost. The firemen standing in front of their station with a garden hose not only made me feel like I was on a Skinemax movie when they sprayed me down, they also cooled me off enough to keep me going.

The best part of the race? (Besides the part where I wasn’t running anymore, of course) Running through the giant inflatable helmet at Gillette Stadium and onto the field where my beloved Patriots play. We finished on the 50 yard line and they put all of the runners up on the Jumbotron. I’d make a joke about being famous, but there were 3,000 other runners. Even I can’t stretch that.

Post-Race Photo

Happy happy.

I hung out on the field for a little bit, enjoying the moment, before the blistering heat and a cranky fiancé drove me back towards home. We stopped at Ikea to say hi to K’s brother/brother’s girlfriend and to get soft serve frozen yogurt. Because, well, why not?

Lying in the Gillette Endzone

The closest I will ever get to the Patriots' endzone. Please let there be football this year.

I’m not entirely sure how American it is to get up early and then exert yourself physically, but it was not a bad way to spend the holiday. Except for the part where I didn’t get to take a nap when we got home.

But then we ate BBQ and drank sangria with our buddies and watched fireworks from our friend Josh’s balcony. And I was happy again.

A+ holiday. Would enjoy again.


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