May 2024

This Fulfills my Contractual Obligations

Nothing makes me feel more popular than people IMing me demanding blog updates. You like me! You really like me! Of course, by “people,” I mean “my sister.” But we’ll just pretend that I am massively popular and that you are all obsessively hitting refresh in the hopes that I will grace you with a post.

Unfortunately, I don’t have much to say beyond, “Tired. So very, very tired.”

Once again, Kristian is on late night pager duty, which means that he gets woken up constantly from 1am until 8am. The kitties and I are innocent bystanders. I suppose that he’s not entirely to blame, because he slept on the couch last night and I still managed to spend the entire evening tossing and turning. He came into our bedroom around 8am and the sheets were in a little ball at the foot of the bed and I was all twisted up in the covers. Part of this is me never sleeping well when he’s elsewhere and part of this is my massive sleep debt making everything more stressful.

I’m finally starting to understand how new parents feel with the constant waking and the never sleeping. I just haven’t had the joy of the constant crying and the changing of dirty diapers. Am I too young to get my tubes tied?

The irony of this all is that I am fresh off of a long weekend where I spent Monday relaxing and taking care of myself. I hung out with some friends, got a pedicure, took a long hot bath. I was recharged! My toes were pretty! I was going to head into the new week with a positive attitude! Kicking ass! With my pretty toes! And then, Monday night, the pager went off. And off. And off. And off.

Please! Send chocolate!

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