April 2024

Happy V-Day

Happy Valentines Day! I’d write up a long and sappy post, but, you know… Ick. Also, yawn. Also, ho-hum. None of you wants to hear me gush. Right? (quick! Kristian gave me a soft robe and some sexy pj’s. I gave him some chocolate miis and a video game! I also made dinner)

I shamelessly stole this from Sticky Feathers

how long have you been together? About 2.5 years. It seems like we’ve been together forever and that we just got together yesterday.

how long did you date? Still dating. (Knock on wood!)

how old is he? 30. I do so enjoy calling him “old man.”

who eats more? He does. That boy does sure love to eat.

who said ‘i love you’ first? He did. Funnily enough, he doesn’t actually remember it happening. He wasn’t drunk at the time. Boys are silly.

who is taller? He is, by a few inches. Not as many when I’m wearing heels.

who is smarter? He’s better at computer stuff. But he’s not quite the super nerd that I am.

who does the laundry? He does. I am a lucky, lucky lady.

who does the dishes? Erm. He does. Feel free to hate me at any time.

who sleeps on the right side of the bed? He does. I get to climb over him to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

who pays the bills? We share, pretty much equally. He’s going to probably take more over if I go back to grad school.

who mows the lawn? No yard = no mowing. I do most of the gardening, but he definitely helps.

who cooks dinner? He does, mostly. Damn, this list is making me out to look like a total jerk.

who is more stubborn? He is. I refuse to believe otherwise! (do you see what I did there?)

who kissed who first? I kissed him. Much like our first “I love you,” he doesn’t remember this as well. What can I say? They both happened about 12 hours apart from each other and the poor boy was terrified.

who asked who out? I made the first move. I’m a brazen hussy. Kinda makes up for my lack of laundry. And dishes. Kinda.

who proposed? Neither of us. Yet.

who is more sensitive? How could you say such a thing?!?! (yeah, that would be me)

who has more friends? I would say that my friends are his and vice-vera. But, let’s be honest here, I’m a goddamn social butterfly.

who has more siblings? Me. How can you beat a girl with 10 brothers and sisters?

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