April 2024

A Few Quick Updates

First things first, I have been totally remiss in not giving y’all an update on our dog Gracie’s cancer. The surgery went well (the recovery was a bit of a nightmare, but at least all of that is over). We got the biopsy results back last week, and they were good but not great. […]

Quick Update

Crazy times around here!

I started a new job a few months ago. It’s going great, I love it, I’m super happy, but… I’ve been insanely busy. A lot of time spent in front of a screen during the day. Or setting up other, bigger screens. When I get home at night, I just want to […]


Did I mention all the snow we’ve been getting? Because it’s a lot of freaking snow. And our ancient subway system just can’t handle it. I think I spent 5+ hours on the Orange Line today.

And did I mention today’s excitement? Because, lordy lordy, there was excitement.

Allow me to set the scene: […]

Accidents Will Happen

(Spoiler alert! Everything is fine! I’m totally fine!)

So, I started my new job last week. And they’re already sending me to job sites (like a boss!). Which means that I’m already finding new and creative ways to drive to job sites. Which means that, last Friday, I found myself in Kenmore Square. Which, […]

Tough Christmas

So, remember when I said I was going to take the time between Christmas and New Years to relax and rejuvenate?

Yeah, not so much.

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were wonderful. We spent time with Kristian’s family and my Mom’s family and had a lovely, lovely time.

(I’ll write about this some other […]