April 2024

Some Waitress Totally Gave her BF my iPhone for Christmas…

So, last week I managed to do something that I had never accomplished while sober.

Namely, I left my phone behind at a restaurant.

I’m not entirely sure how I managed to leave my phone sitting in the booth at our restaurant on Tuesday. It must have been some combination of a french fry induced food coma and pre-holiday excitement. Nevertheless, my phone was left behind. And, I pretty much feel like an idiot for it.

I got back to the office, searched through all of my stuff, called the phone a few times and then finally admitted that it was no longer in my possession. I called the rep that I had lunch with and he confirmed that the phone was not in his car (I called the phone a few more times just for kicks and he never heard it ring). So, I called the restaurant and they had, indeed, found my phone.

This is where the story should end with a “hahaha, wasn’t I an idiot? good thing the restaurant found my phone!” Unfortunately, when the restaurant said, “don’t worry, we’ll hold your phone for you,” what they actually meant was “maybe we’ll hold your phone for you, maybe not.” Paul (the rep) went back to pick up my phone and they had no idea where it was. They thought that a manager might no, but he was “in meetings” all day.

So, the way I see it, this means one of two things:

a) The manager, seeing that my phone was one sexay iPhone and might attract some unsavory attention, put it away somewhere that it it could be safeguarded (that would be good!).

2) My phone, being one sexay iPhone (even if it’s not 3G), attracted some unsavory attention. Someone brought it home with them, wrapped it up all pretty and pawned it off on a loved one as the world’s greatest Christmas present (that would be very, very bad!).

I’m hoping that it’s option a, but two wouldn’t be out of the realm of possibilities. Paul’s going to go back to the restaurant and insist on speaking to a manager. If he doesn’t get a satisfactory answer, I’m going to report the phone as stolen. I’m just glad that I have it password protected. If someone did steal it, they won’t be able to run up the bill texting all of their hoodlum friends and prank calling people in Australia.

Of course, the part that makes this all so much more “fun” is the fact that it was my work phone that I left behind. I’m fairly sure that it’s frowned upon to lose expensive phones in tough economic climates. 

Very, very frowned upon.

So, seriously, how big of an idiot am I?

4 comments to Some Waitress Totally Gave her BF my iPhone for Christmas…

  • Hopefully the manager just set it aside and no one knows where it is at. Did you suspend the number in the meantime?

  • Wow, that’s just…not ok. Not on your part, cuz seriously, shit happens, but on the restaurant’s. Are they still open now? Call those motherfuckers up, and if they’re a corporate restaurant, call their headquarters. Don’t start screaming theft yet, but insist that one of their employees told you the phone was in their possession, and they need to find it, PRONTO. I worked in corporate and independent restaurants forever, and shit like that goes down way too often, but if you raise big enough hell, you almost always either get your stuff back or get compensated.

  • Could’ve happened to anyone. Here’s hoping for the best. . .

  • GS

    Kate is right; if you make enough (calm, assertive) noise you’ll probably get your phone back. As for losing it? Let’s just say I can’t sit in judgement of you!!

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