May 2024

A Day of Disappointments

I didn’t get the gig.

Their rejection letter was actually very nice. And I’m trying not to take it personally. But… well…. when have I ever not taken something personally?

It’s a personality flaw. I know. And I’m working on it.

There are a few other little disappointments in there (finishing dead last in my fantasy football league, weekend plans falling through). But, that’s the big one. 

I’d like nothing more than to go home, take a bubble bath and drown my sorrows in ice cream sundae dreams (but not the actual sundaes… I’m trying to avoid holiday weight gain this year). But, I have plans to help a friend with her computer tonight. 

I hate to mope, but I’m in a totally mopish mode right now. I went to the gym and pushed some frustrations into lifting weights. But I’m still feeling like crap. It doesn’t help that my ears are so clogged up right now, it’s starting to affect my hearing. Note to self: get that looked at.

On a positive note, I figured out how to fix something at work today that’s gonna save us a shitload of money. So, I just need to remind myself that there are many areas of my life that I totally kick ass at. Singing with this particular band just happens to not be one of those areas.

Bubble baths have become my new, indulgent, pick-me-up of choice. Food is out, because I’m trying to get away from emotional eating. And shoes are out, because of my whole new plan of fiscal responsibility. Baths feel just decadent enough without being truly decadent. Especially when I turn the jacuzzi jets on. Note to self: buying houses from plumbers kicks ass.

What do you do to pick yourself up when you’re having a crappy day?

5 comments to A Day of Disappointments

  • Shoes. As soon as you said shoes, that’s all I could think about. I order from Zappos, and then by the next day they are on my porch and it’s like Shoe Christmas. Shoemas. Shoemas makes everything better.

  • Kevin Brady

    Try a couple drops of hydrogen peroxide from an eyedropper in each ear. will break up the wax etc. Always worked for me.

  • Nancy

    awww i’m sorry that didn’t happen.

    i tend to eat. but since that’s out…

    i read children’s books. The Secret Garden, anything by Gordon Korman or Jean Little or EB White. I have a collection for just such occasions.

    my dad used to (kindly) encourage push-ups and air-boxing when i was in a blumpish, mopish mood. so sometimes i do that 🙂

    you have cats to play with!

  • Aww bummer. I’m with you on the baths – they are total existential healing. And umm, jacuzzi jets?? Why the hell haven’t I come to visit?!

  • I can’t wait until my bathroom remodel is finished so I can soak in the new sunken tub. To lift my spirits on a crappy day, I go home, cuddle the dogs and usually call a friend or two long distance for a chat. Ditto on the hydrogen peroxide tip for the ear. My doctor told me to squirt it into my ear using one of those bulb syringes. Sometimes you have to do it several times. Ear wax is gross.

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