May 2024

Dashing Warriors

A couple of months ago, I somehow managed to convince my friend Josh that he should join me in running a Warrior Dash. I may never be able to convince him to do anything ever again.

“Hey Josh,” I’ll say, “You should really consider breathing in oxygen and then breathing out carbon dioxide. It’s good for you. You’ll like it.”

“Eff you, Hope,” he’ll say, “Efffff youuuuuuu.”

Which is to say that running a Warrior Dash is (un)surprisingly difficult.

It would have been tough on a good day. The course starts off with a sprint up a very steep hill and then continues for 3+ miles through the woods, up and down more hills. Every so often you have to get past an obstacle. Some of them are a little silly (the bungee cords that we had to crawl under barely slowed me down), some of them can be scary (jumping over fire was fun, but definitely took more than a little willpower on my part) and some of them are just plain tough (alternating jumping over four foot barriers and then crawling under barbed wire several times didn’t seem so bad until I ran a few feet after the last set and realized that my heart was pounding). Like I said, it would have been challenging on a good day.

Saturday? Not such a great day.

It rained all morning and there were several thousand people who raced in waves before us (we were in one of the last groups of the day). The combination of the two left the course a muddy, muddy mess. We knew we were going to get dirty (most Warrior Dashes end with a slog through a giant mud pit), but we were not expecting to be wading through the mud for the majority of the race. I was able to run for most of the dry bits, but when the mud got too deep I had to slow to a walk. Not only did I keep losing my sneakers in the mud, there were giant ruts covered by muddy water and I was worried about wrenching my knee or breaking an ankle. Even at a slower pace, I fell several times.

(I woke up this morning and realized that I’m covered in bruises).

(I think my coworkers suspect that someone has been beating me).

All of this is my way of saying that I freaking loved the Warrior Dash. Which is to say that I’m a crazy person. A crazy, crazy person. Josh has already informed me that he will never be doing anything like this ever again. Me? I’m already thinking about how I can train better for next year. I finished the course in a little over an hour, which means that I traversed the course at a tortoise-ly 17 minute mile pace. I placed in the bottom half of finishers, although I was in the top of the bottom, if that makes any sense (I was just below the halfway point in the finishers list). And I did manage to finish in the top half for my age group. Next year, I want to kick some major booty.



Next year, Kristian is going to insist that we take my car instead of his.

And he probably won’t spend so much time cleaning it that morning.

10 comments to Dashing Warriors

  • Josh

    I’m not going to be breathing oxygen anytime soon, Hope…No way, not happening.


    I’d say the race was overall a worthwhile endeavor. I’m glad I did it.


    That being said, were I to try something like this again my training regimen would include a lot more running of hills (right now, I’m mostly on trails, with minimal hills). And I’d definitely carry a water bottle with me. Honestly, the obstacles along the way provided a nice break from the slog through the mud.

  • If I were into running (instead of cycling) I think I might like races like this too. They sound so crazy that they have to be fun, right? Congrats to finishing it on top of the bottom 🙂

  • Hoper, you’re an inspiration. You also scare me just a little. Do you have any more of these adventures planned for between now and your wedding? I can’t help thinking that you’ll have a much better time if none of your limbs are in a boot, splint or cast.

    Just a thought.

  • These look fun, but I’m scared of jumping over fire. And crawling under barbed wire. And why do they put those things at the end???

    I wonder if anyone has ever hurt themselves jumping over fire. Like set their clothes on fire.

  • Allison

    I’m with Mary, Little Miss Accident-Prone!

  • You’re thinking about how you’d train for the next one. I so have you hooked!


  • I’m crazy, so I thought that it was fun!

  • I have a 10k this weekend, but there’s no fire leaping or mud involved!

  • The fire only goes up a few inches. You’d have to try pretty hard to catch your hair on fire.

    Although I am surprised that more dudes don’t end up singeing their leg hair.

  • Speak for yourself! 😉

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