April 2024


Last Saturday was my bridal shower and it was such a lovely, lovely day. My best bud, Beans, did such a great job. I couldn’t have asked for a better day.

I’m in the process of writing my thank you notes and I’ve been really struck by how the main thing that I want to thank people for is that they made the effort to spend that time with me. No, that’s not a backhanded dig at the quality of my gifts (I got some seriously sweet stuff, yo!). It just means that an awful lot of people did an awful lot of work so that they could be there. One sister flew all the way in from California and a bunch of people drove in from out of state. Not to mention that Beans had to get up for work that day at some ungodly hour like 5AM.

Sitting in my shower, looking out at some of my favorite people in the whole wide world, it struck me that the best part of a wedding is that it brings us all together. Sure, the pretty pictures are nice. And it’s fun to get all dressed up. And I certainly won’t be complaining about any wedding gifts. But, at the heart of it, a wedding is about joining two people, with all of their assorted loved ones along for the ride.

That’s what I’m looking forward to the most. Most of my favorite people in the world all sitting under one tent.

(It would be a terrible time for a meteor strike).

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