May 2024

One of Those Days

You know that it’s going to be One of Those Days ™ when it’s only 9:15 in the morning and you’re already thinking, “Damn, it’s going to be one of those days.”

Kristian and I have been having a little alarm clock problem lately. Well, Kristian has been having an alarm clock problem lately, I am just an innocent bystander. Kristian’s problem with the alarm clock is that he is apparently capable of turning the damn thing off in his sleep, so quickly that you’d never even know that it went off. He’s like a ninja, that boy is. An alarm clock ninja.

(I just called him an alarm clock ninja in an IM, he didn’t appreciate the joke).

Twice last week I made it to work by the skin of my teeth because a certain ninja managed to disable our alarm in his sleep. Again. Apparently I have an unnatural ability to wake up ten minutes before I’m supposed to leave the house. Not early enough to shower, brush my teeth or eat breakfast, but early enough to mostly be at work on time (mostly). I say mostly because for the first half hour I’m not really all there.

This morning was pretty much the same thing, but with a couple of added bonuses.

* I didn’t have time to find a proper outfit, so I am now wearing jeans and a sweatshirt.

* Apparently I left my house keys at home.

* I have a training session today, something that I normally dress up for (for those of you with short attention spans, please see bullet point one)

So, in short, I am dressed like a slob on the one day this week that I really should not be dressed like a slob. I also have no way of getting into our house to de-slobbify myself. Oh, and I have no idea what I’m supposed to do after work today, because I won’t be able to get into our house until Kristian gets home.

Yeah, it’s going to be one of those days.

2 comments to One of Those Days

  • On the bright side, if it’s the Lucky jeans you’re wearing, at least you know you look hot. 😉

    I hope your day gets better though!

  • Hoper, how many times has this happened? How many more times will it happen before you move the alarm clock out of his reach? Combat ninja stealthiness with cool logic.

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