April 2024

My Grandmother is Smarter Than Your Grandmother

It’s true. My Grandmother is smarter than your Grandmother.*

How do I know this? Because I bet that your Grandmother didn’t teach you how to do Sudoku this weekend. And mine sure as hell did.

I bet that your Grandmother can’t even program her VCR. My Grandmother has set up not one but two Tivos.

My Grandmother asked me for an invition to gmail and I set her up with a gmail account this weekend. That’s right, mothafuckahs, my Grandmother is on gmail. I bet yours doesn’t even have a computer.

My Grandmother was a programmer back before the internet boom. I bet your grandmother wasn’t a Systems Analyst.

Like I said… my Grandmother is smarter than your grandmother. I bet my Dad could kick your Dad’s ass too.

*My apologies to anyone whose grandparents are no longer with us. I’ll be an equal opportunity braggart and say that my grandmother is probably smarter than you. Period. πŸ˜›

3 comments to My Grandmother is Smarter Than Your Grandmother

  • My grandmother can’t work a computer, vcr, dvr or tivo. She can’t cook and hires someone to clean for her. But she’s been married 9 times. Beat THAT SUCKERS!!!

  • My grandmother bought a cell phone once because she thought it was a cordless phone. She is indeed no longer with us, but I know she’d want me to make fun of something she did during her early stages of dementia in a public forum.


    What’s your grandmother’s gmail address?

  • […] Some of you may remember that I posted a little while back about how awesome it is that my Grandmother has two tivos and knows how to use them. Well, my Grandmother has further proved that she is not a luddite by getting netflix. I think that’s just awesome. […]

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