April 2024

A Few Quick Updates

First things first, I have been totally remiss in not giving y’all an update on our dog Gracie’s cancer. The surgery went well (the recovery was a bit of a nightmare, but at least all of that is over). We got the biopsy results back last week, and they were good but not great. […]

Kitty Purry: The Recap

A couple of months ago, I made a deal with the internet.

“Internet,” I said, “help me raise more money for the Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth and I promise to do silly things for your amusement. In fact, if you help me to raise at least $2000, I will run the last mile of […]

Quick Update

Crazy times around here!

I started a new job a few months ago. It’s going great, I love it, I’m super happy, but… I’ve been insanely busy. A lot of time spent in front of a screen during the day. Or setting up other, bigger screens. When I get home at night, I just want to […]


My step-dad’s sister’s husband (we just call him Uncleish) is super into biking. He’s also super into supporting his niecishes on social media when they post about biking (or running, or boating, etc.). You could write that you ran 50 feet, got tired, and then sat down and ate a cheeseburger… and he’d tell […]

Every Pony Get Down…

… It’s Lilian’s birthday party!

I’m not ashamed to admit, I was just as into the idea of a My Little Pony party as she was. But she did have some very specific requests.

She wanted cupcakes.


She wanted goldfish crackers in a yellow bowl.



And she wanted music […]