April 2024

The Cursed Slide

I drove onto our street the other day, and the first thing I saw was Lilian playing on a little plastic slide that one of our neighbors had put out on the curb.

(Kristian and the dog were supervising her, don’t worry!)

It’s a pretty sweet little setup. It’s just the right size for her, plus it has a basketball hoop on it. Plus, free.

(Kristian will probably power wash it this weekend, but it’s otherwise in fantastic shape).

Lilian loved her new slide so much, she didn’t want to come inside to eat dinner. She threw an epic tantrum about it. Crying, screaming, snot streaming out of both nostrils… the girl went all boneless, knuffle-bunny-style. Kristian and I just stared at each other like “who replaced our baby with this toddler???”

And then he poured himself a glass of wine. And then I started to wish that maybe I hadn’t made that diet bet with my sister.

Things got marginally better after LJ remembered that rice isn’t actually poison. At which point she asked for seconds. And thirds. There was some vegetable consumption in there somewhere.

She happily went back outside after dinner. And then there was another epic meltdown when she had to come inside for bath and bedtime. She screamed all the way through her bath. Kristian looked so flustered, I ended up taking over for him.

I think she was just having an off night, but Kristian and I were joking that the damn slide was cursed.

You’ve got a week, slide. Trash night is next Tuesday.

Good thing Lilian loves you so much.


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