April 2024

A Few Random Updates

Tabitha’s biopsy results came back! And the growth on her face is benign! This is so exciting, it requires a lot of exclamation points!!! Truth be told, I took the news rather calmly. I had spent so much time convincing myself that she would be just fine. It sortof felt like old news when they told us that, yes, she was going to be fine. Not that I’m not completely ecstatic that my kitty doesn’t have cancer, I just never really let it sink in that it might be an actual possibility in the first place.

All the more reason that it’s a good thing that everything was a-ok. If it wasn’t, I would probably be a complete and utter wreck right not.

She still looks pretty funny, but the sutures will start to dissolve soon and her fur is starting to grow back. I want to get her one of these, but I have no desire to be scratched to death in my sleep. At this point, I can look at the surgery site without crying a little on the inside. I don’t think she even remembers that it’s there. She’s back to her regular old self.


My foot still hurts like a mo-fo. It will be fine for a while, and then I’ll walk just a little too far or I’ll carry something heavier than a piece of paper and it will start aching again. One of my coworkers noticed me limping and expressed actual, genuine concern for my well-being. So, I decided that maybe I should consult someone with a little more medical expertise than google. I mean, google knows everything, but doctors can do stuff like ordering x-rays and dispensing painkillers. The physician’s assistant sized me up as the type of crazy to give herself a stress-fracture and sent me off for x-rays. No painkillers, though.

The x-rays look fine, which means that it’s some sort of soft tissue injury. Or, in my words, a squishy injury. As opposed to the crunchy kind. I’ve been ordered to beat my foot into submission with a combination of ibuprofen, ice, as much rest as I can manage (it’s a little difficult to never use your foot) and stretching. If I don’t feel better in a week, I’m supposed to see an orthopedist. I think that I’m gradually getting better, but I’m seriously itching to start running again. Or even walking. Walking would be good.


My neighbor still revs his motorcycle for what feels like hours ridiculously early in the morning. This summer it’s 5:30 or 6am instead of 5am, which I suppose is better than nothing. I still want to slash his tires every time I walk past his house and see it parked on the street. And secretly hope that Gracie will growl at him instead of going apeshit for him every time he stops to pet her.

It almost makes me enjoy the days where we have bad weather. He takes his truck then.


So, here I am. I’m pretty sleep-deprived and my foot is an a lot of pain. I think I’ve been neglecting ye olde blogge because I’m just too tired to form anything resembling a cohesive thought.

But, you know what? My kitty is going to be just fine.

And that’s good enough for me.

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