May 2024

Snowmageddon Time

Does anybody else see #snowmageddon and immediately start singing Armageddon Time by the Clash in their head? Just me? Ok then.

We’ve had a lot of snow here in Boston lately. A lot. A metric shit-ton of snow (that’s a technical term). Last week, we got probably two and a half feet. Today, we’ve […]

January in New York

At the beginning of this recent December, my Mom had a milestone birthday. And my sister Melissa had a non-milestone birthday. December is a tough time for a get-together, so we arranged to get together on MLK day weekend for a belated celebration. Melissa and her family always have a long drive up from NYC to see […]

The Good Parts of Christmas

This ended up being a fairly tough Christmas. But, despite its challenges, we ended up having some nice moments.

We spent Christmas Eve at my in-laws’ house. Considering the fact that she spent the first two hours surrounded by candy and pastries she wasn’t allowed to eat, and presents she wasn’t allowed to unwrap, I […]


She dragged her little stool halfway across the house in a vain attempt to get my new lip balm off of the counter and eat it.

“Dis my ice palace, mama” she said by way of an explanation.


She met our friend’s dog once, at a party all the way back in November. […]

Reindeer Games

Last week was the holiday concert at Lilian’s daycare. This is the third holiday concert they’ve hosted since she started going there, but the first one that I actually attended. They tend to hold their special events on Fridays (when my Dad is watching her). Plus, you know, she wasn’t exactly talking for the […]