April 2024


There is nothing better than being cooped up inside with a toddler all weekend long, while Mother Nature dumps buckets of snow all over your metro area.

(Did I say “better?” I meant to say “more terrifying.”)

Don’t get me wrong, I love weekends with Lilian. I look forward to weekends with Lilian. She’s my […]

Handmade Christmas

I didn’t have as much time as I would have liked to sew Christmas presents this year, but I still managed to make a few little things. I figured I’d share them with you.

(If you’re not that interested in sewing, you might want to go ahead and skip this one.)

Ok, first up […]

Happy Halloween!

Apparently I made a passing reference to buying a new sewing machine, promised a story, and then never wrote about it again. Whoops.

So, yeah, I bought a sewing machine. A really nice one. It was used! And fifty percent off! But, ya know, fifty percent off of expensive is still freaking expensive. Note […]

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day, everyone!

I am celebrating by working from home in my jammies. We may get sushi takeout for dinner. Que romántico.

Lilian’s class at daycare had a Valentines Day party yesterday. They sent home a note asking us to send in some treats, and they included a list of everyone’s names in […]

Baby’s First Capelet!

I mentioned in this post about my baby shower that my grandmother brought a blanket and capelet that my great-grandmother crocheted some time before she died. I had some requests for pictures, but I wasn’t sure how to capture the capelet. It has an adorable little hood, so putting it down flat didn’t seem […]