May 2024


Kristian is out of town on a business trip. I didn’t think to much about the repercussions of him being out of the state, but my sister, Allison, asked me (without a trace of irony in her voice) if I was managing to get enough to eat. I was a bit puzzled by her concern, but then someone else said something along the same lines. Which is when I realized it. There are several people in my life who think that I’m incapable of feeding myself.

This is what happens when you let (“let”) your husband do all of the cooking, ladies. Everyone starts to suspect that maybe you need some adult supervision when he’s out of town.

For the record, I am feeding myself just fine.

I managed to feed myself leftovers. And then I managed to feed myself Indian food that a friend brought over for a Girls Night. And then I managed to feed myself leftover Indian food. And then I managed to con my Mom and Step-Dad into take me out to dinner. And then I managed to cook some Cream of Wheat without burning the house down. And then I managed to con another friend into taking me out to brunch. And then I managed to find some leftover leftovers at the very back of the fridge.

See? I’m totally capable of feeding myself.

Also? Mom, if you’re reading this? Dinner last night was all about the company and not about your daughter starving to death. I swear.

I’m pretty sure that everyone thinks that Kristian is going to get back home and discover that I have managed to burn part of the house down, starve myself half to death and that the pets will have all gone feral. Well, I’m happy to report that the house remains intact, that there’s far too much chocolate in the snack drawer for me to be in any danger of starvation and that the animals are just grumpy because they miss the softie who gives them way more treats than I do.

I even did laundry, dishes and I cleaned the kitchen and the inside of Kristian’s car. I will stop myself short of vacuuming, however. I want Kristian to come home to a house that’s cleaner than he left it, but there’s no need to give him any crazy ideas about increasing the frequency of business trips. Or crazy ideas about my domestic capabilities.

(Which is why I shrunk his favorite shirt in the wash.)

(Kristian, if you’re reading this, that was a joke.)

Kristian gets back on Tuesday. I just might cook a meal between now and then.


8 comments to Competency.

  • Man, I think you need to share Kristian with me!

  • Hope, if people are going to worry so much about you feeding yourself that they bring over food or take you out, enjoy it. Let them!

    I know that you can cook because we’ve seen the results of your baking. Baking is harder than other cooking. It’s scientific and requires measuring and stuff. Ergo, I have complete confidence in your ability to make meals if you need to.

    Clearly, you didn’t need to this time.

  • I can totally teach you how to make a mean box of macaroni and cheese!

  • I might need to trade up for a man that cooks! Lucky lady! Glad you are eating without him near 🙂

  • You are not the first person to make that request. 😉

  • I am a decent cook, but I fully admit that Kristian is better at the non-baking type of cooking than I am. He’s also much better at finding a random assortment of food in the fridge and making dinner out of it. I usually need a plan, a recipe and a trip to the grocery store. :p

  • My mac and cheese is not bad. I like to add some veggies in.

    Of course, Kristian makes his from scratch. :p

  • He does laundry too! I’m seriously lucky.

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