April 2024

This Is Not a Bike Blog… I Swear

So, I had to take the bus to work today and it sucked. I’ve only biked to work once and I’m already addicted. 

When I biked to work, I could leave on my own schedule, I got to enjoy some time in the sunshine, I got some exercise in and I arrived at work energized and ready to go.

Today I pretty much phoned it in until my green tea was done brewing.

And that was after I got my cardio in the form of running to catch the bus while dodging traffic (to the woman who saw me running and made the bus driver wait: thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!).

Kristian is, as I type, looking into that little gear problem of mine. What a man, right? Eleven thirty at night and he’s spraying my bike with some lubricant that’s “better than WD-40” (as if such a thing actually exists). While I tell the internet about it.

At least one of us has their priorities straight.

Which one of us that is will be left as an exercise for the reader.

2 comments to This Is Not a Bike Blog… I Swear

  • That sense of freedom and autonomy is absolutely priceless. Taking public transit or even driving when there’s traffic gets to feel like being held hostage, but on a bicycle, you can just swoop through and move about as you please. I’m so glad you get to enjoy it! 🙂

  • adinar

    I’m assuming you have a bike with both left & right shifters? Which one were you trying to shift when the chain wouldn’t catch? Trying to help you diagnose your problem. 🙂

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