April 2024

Live Blogging the Inauguration

So, I woke up this morning and decided that there was no way in hell that I wanted to go to work today. This wasn’t that much different from most days. But, today I decided that 1) It was going to be really difficult to keep my eyes open today and b) I really, really wanted to make sure that I could watch the inauguration. My plan had been to watch it in my office. But, knowing my luck, something would have broken at a key moment and I would have missed it. So, I made a last minute decision to stay home. 

And then I went back to bed and slept for two hours. Heaven. It was heaven. 

So, here I am hanging out on the couch watching live coverage and I’m tearing up already. Seriously. It’s just a bunch of crowd shots and some talking heads flapping their mouths and, yet, it still has me all emotional.

I decided to share the love. 

Welcome to my live blog of the inauguration. 

(Dustin, a recap later will be acceptable)

10:40am The governator, Ahnuld is there. The flapping heads tell me that Barack Obama and Bush are “literally minutes away from setting out.” Also, the ticker tells me that it feels like eleven degrees in Washington right now. As much as I would like to be part of history, you couldn’t pay me enough to be there right now. Freezing cold + massive crowds = Hope would have gone totally crazy.

10:41am The flapping heads are telling a story about Ronald Reagan attempting to nap his way through his own inauguration. They think that this is hilarious. I find this terrifying. That man was our president for eight years

10:44am It’s Michelle Obama and Laura Bush! I can’t tell if I like Michelle’s dress or not. It sure is sparkly.

10:45am The flapping heads just said (of Bush), “he will no longer be president.” I got shivers down my spine.

10:47am Dick Cheney is in a wheel chair. He looks very old and frail. It’s almost enough to make you feel sorry for him. Almost.

10:48am It’s Obama and Bush! The cheers are overwhelming. Here come the waterworks.

10:49am The flapping heads are talking about the “car equivalent of Air Force One.” Kristian would probably appreciate all of the car dork features. I just appreciate that, in not too long, it won’t be Dubya’s car anymore.

10:53am This is a historic moment, but long shots of the front of limousines are kindof dull. I think that CNN realizes this as well. They’re using this as an opportunity to cut to their last commercial break. Time for me to get some snacks!

10:58am And… we’re back! I’m now fortified with snacks. Too bad I don’t have anyone to watch this with. The cats chose to hang out in bed upstairs. They’re going to regret it later.

11:01am Here come Obama and Bush! The flapping head just called Obama Joe Biden. how do you make that mistake?

11:02am CNN sure has a hard on for the US Marine Corps Band.

11:02am (part II) Here come the supreme court justices! Retired judge, Sandra Day O’Connor looks fantastic.

11:05am Here come more VIPs. Apparently Obama is hanging out in the cafeteria. I guess that’s one of the perks of being president. Staying warm while everyone else freezes.

11:06am Did the flapping heads really just compare Obama’s inauguration to the final episode of M*A*S*H? They did. My God.

11:08am There’s Dan Quayle. I wonder what’s going through his head right now. Probably, “I’m smarter than Bush. How come he got to be president?” 

11:13am They just told everyone to be seated. Good thing I have my ass planted on the couch. Here come the former presidents. George H. W. Bush looks terrible. Jimmy Carter looks great. Apparently Democrats age better.

11:15am The look on Hillary’s face is pretty interesting. I think that she’s holding it together pretty well. Secretary of State is a damn sweet consolation prize. I love the color of her jacket.

11:18am Jimmy Carter reminds me of my grandfather. He looks like he probably carries around Werthers to dole out to his grandkids.

11:20am Holy crap would it mess up this inauguration if Bush Sr. took a header down the stairs. Someone give that man a hand!

11:21am A beautiful sight. Moving boxes in front of the White House.

11:22am Here comes Billary. The applause is deafening. She looks happy.

11:23am It’s official. Democrats age better than Republicans. Either that or we’re better moisturized.

11:24am Here come Sasha and Malia! They look just beautiful. I wonder if they’re day-dreaming about their puppy. 

11:25am The crowd shot of the Mall is just incredible. It’s wall to wall people. I feel all anxious just watching it.

11:26am It’s the “First Lady of Soul,” Aretha Franklin. What is up with that bow on her hat?! She still looks fabulous. I can’t wait to hear her sing. You know how I know that Barack Obama is the coolest president ever? He got Aretha Franklin to sing at his inauguration.

11:28am It just occurred to me. Laura Bush is dressed just like Dr. Evil. How apropos. Well, really, it should be her husband dressed like that.

11:29am There is an expectant pause. I can hear the crowd chanting “Obama! Obama!”

11:31am Here comes Dubya. I wonder if people will boo? CNN must be wondering as well. They just cut to the live sound.

11:33am Even though I kindof hate Michelle’s dress, she still manages to put it off. That woman has some serious style. 

11:34am If the flapping heads use the phrase “built by slaves” one more time, I’m going to chuck something at the TV. Also, the phrase “secular version of a miracle” makes absolutely no sense.

11:35am Here come Bush and Cheney. Scattered applause. Hail to the Chief is playing for the last time for Bush.

11:37am Michelle Obama is carrying the Lincoln bible. 

11:38am Obama looks like he’s both on top of the world and carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. I would love to know what’s going through his head right now. Me, I would be terrified about tripping. Or accidentally sneezing on the Lincoln bible. 

11:40am These crowd shot are just incredible. Aww crap, I’m gonna cry again.

11:43am They’re announcing Obama. Someday, I will tell my children about this moment. I’ll probably cry.

11:45am Here’s Dianne Feinstein. She looks like she’s about to explode from happiness. I like her speech about the ballot being more powerful than the bullet. This hour really is “sweet victory.”

11:47am In case there was any doubt about it, I’m still crying.

11:48am Here comes the controversial pastor, Rick Warren. I would just like to take this moment to say, Gay Pride. Also, this is a good time to go and get more snacks.

11:53am Here comes Aretha! And she is rocking the house. Let Freedom and Aretha ring.

11:55am I finally enticed one of the cats to come watch with me. All it took was a little yogurt. She could tell her kittens about this some day if we hadn’t had her fixed.

11:57am Everyone is standing for the vice-presidential oath. Is it wrong to stay seated on the couch? Maybe I’ll stand up for Obama. Biden’s wife looks like her arm is about to fall off. That bible is ginormous.

12:00pm Obama is technically president now! (thanks, Constitution!) even though they’re running a little bit behind. He automagically became president at noon, no matter what. I guess that the oath is just a formality at this point. Hooray!

12:04pm Everyone is standing and screaming. This is just awesome.

12:05pm Justice Stevens doesn’t know how to prompt.

12:06pm Congratulations, President Obama! Hail to the Chief, indeed.

12:08pm Obama is good. Very, very good. Somehow, he manages to make all of the shit that we have to deal with sound inspiring. He is both orating and talking conversationally at the same time. I will neither confirm nor deny the fact that I am crying again.

12:16pm I think that it’s no coincidence that, when Obama talked about not choosing between safety and freedom, CNN cut to a shot of Dubya. And W. looked uncomfortable. And I snickered.

12:26pm My friend Kevin just IMed me to say that now he KNOWS I’m in tear. Well, duh. Best. Speech. EVAR.

12:27pm Elizabeth Alexander has to feel like a bit of an afterthought. Who would want to follow that?

12:36pm I can’t remember this guy’s name, but he’s building up some steam. At first, I thought that he was going to fall asleep up there at the podium.

12:38pm Joe Biden is taking pictures for Sasha. That’s pretty sweet. There is something about the Obama girls that seems to bring out the best in people.

12:39pm ….And we’re pretty much done.  I can’t think of a better way to spend an impromptu day off. 

You know, all of us lefty types have been looking forward to this day for years. Bush’s last day in office. The end of a horrible era. And yet, this wasn’t about Dubya at all. Sure, it was nice to know that Bush can’t trample on our Civil Liberties anymore.  But this was about so much more than that. This was about Obama, a new president. A new beginning. A new hope. Hopefully, a new era. 

Our country’s problems are not going to be fixed in four years. But this seems like a good start.

12:50pm Obama is escorting Dubya out to the helicopter. The flapping heads say that it is a sign of respect. I suspect that he just wants to make sure that the man gets the hell out of town.

12:54pm So long, Dubya. Can’t say I’ll miss you. And your wife really does look like Dr. Evil with a wig in that outfit.

12:55pm Jill Biden is wearing hooker boots. Interesting.

On that “lovely” note, I think I’m done. Happy inauguration everyone!

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