April 2024

What’s Up Doc?

I wrote, last year, about the Easter Egg Hunt that Lilian and I went to. But I don’t think I ever mentioned that we found out the next week that we won the big Easter basket that they raffled off. It was full of prizes from local merchants.

Oh hey, guys! I totally won a kick-ass Easter basket!

The best part of the basket was a very nice gift card to Lively Kids, the boutique that sponsored the egg hunt. And by “nice,” I mean a hundred freaking dollars (!). Kristian and I tried to use it to buy Lilian’s birthday present, but they sell more clothes than toys and we didn’t find any big ticket item that we thought would work.

This is is my roundabout way of saying that yesterday Lilian and I found ourselves back in the store with a very nice gift certificate that was about to expire.

This is is also my roundabout way of saying that I spent a lot of someone else’s money on a pair of itty, bitty Doc Martens.

Baby Docs!

We sized strategically, so hopefully these will last a few months. Even if they don’t? They were free. I’ll make some one verrrrry happy with a kickass hand-me-down. Or I’ll sell them on eBay. But I am kinda digging them. They remind me of something I would have worn in the mid-90s.

OK, this is the part where I admit that they remind me of the Docs that I totally pined for after watching the Babysitters Club Movie. But that involves me admitting that I watched the Babysitters Club Movie. So let’s just say that Lilian is a big fan of her new shoes and leave it at that.


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