April 2024

Showered! (Part I)

This weekend was my baby shower. To say that I felt loved and appreciated would be the understatement of the year.

I’ve always known that I have great friends and family. But sometimes I’m blown away by just how amazingly wonderful  and supportive they all are. My sister Melissa took the bus up from […]

Wedding Recap: Part the Are You Getting Sick of These By Now?

(Yes, I’ve been sitting on this post for quite some time. I’ve been working on it off and on, but there’s a lot of ground to cover.)

First things first, my sister pointed out to me that Kristian did, indeed, take a picture of me purchasing our wedding songs whilst lurking in the woods […]

Wedding Recap: Part the Fifth

Most people don’t know that, traditionally, the person walking the bride down the aisle isn’t giving her away. The person walking the bride down the aisle is her escort. It’s the call and response with the officiant where you say something along the lines of “who gives this woman?” “I do!” that constitutes the […]

Wedding Recap: Part the Fourth

I think that every bride, on her wedding day, is contractually obligated to wake up, squeal “OMG, we’re getting married!” while jumping up and down on her fiancé’s head. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.

Squealing aside, I was surprised by how calm I felt on the morning of our wedding. Sure, […]

Wedding Recap – Part the Third

After relaxing with my sisters, I was ready to tackle the rest of my to-do list. Which consisted of finishing up the caramel apples and hanging out with friends and family. In the interest of actually hanging out with friends and family, I decided to re-tool the caramel apple plan. Instead of making 150 […]